Category: Fitness Training

Why, what, why not?

Why What & Why Not? Better understanding of fitness What is Fitness? Fitness can be referred as an exceptional state that is achieved when body

Illusions & Science

Illusions of the Nutrition and Fitness Industry and Science behind Fat Loss The evolution decoded One of the most popular ads we see today in

Assess yourself

Just 8 questions & you can tell us about your fitness! its that simple Let’s do this rough fitness assessment, before we meet for your free


CFR Corrective Functional Resistance  Fitness has been my passion ever since my mid-school days. I have been a wild experimenter of different techniques, systems, supplements

Fitness lies and motivation

You are your biggest enemy. Beware of your own lies! Liar Liar Human brain is a fascinating instrument. But, it can also be really funny.

Myth buster

Fitness’ means nothing if it’s only about building muscles or burning fat. Let’s grow up A funny young guy posing in front of brown background

History of fitness industry

THE HISTORY OF FITNESS INDUSTRY The evolution decoded The fitness industry has been evolving like all other industries. The west and the east have different