career in fitness

ONLINE with - Hariharan Krishnamurthy

Get ready to rise in your fitness career

Only 0.5 % of Indian population is driving the fitness industry. Even a fractional increase will create a great opportunity for employment and infrastructure. In this condition, you may think why the gym membership rates are not increased? Is it because of competition? No. There is enough window for more people to serve.

My personal training rates have been increased 25 % annually. The reason for failure in industry is non strategic efforts of sales and marketing process. Every trainer who jumps in to the industry with in three years time they will get diverted to different things, because they were not being guided properly.

Most of them think training is the only glorious aspect of this industry, its wrong to assume the fitness industry is about professionals with big muscles. Fitness industry needs many kind of skills.

To create a lucrative career path people need to  align their KnowledgeSkills and Ability to match the industry requirement.

The ultimate goal of this workshop is to demystify the doubts and to create a perfect career pathway to be a successful fitness professional.

Course Fee : ₹ 499

Date: June 1 , 2024

Venue: ACFIT Academy, Vettuvankani, ECR, Chennai


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